15 Amazing Family Tree Tattoo Designs You Must Ink on Skin

Family Tree
Getting inked is a stylish way to show your personality. A family tree design is a great idea if you want a tattoo with a sense. The article is designed to inspire you to a new tattoo.

A family tree has a rich tradition. Among civilizations, it’s known as the tree of life, and for many people, family means life. If you want to show your personality and respect for roots, there might not be a more attractive way than through family tree tattoos. These types are often desirable and significant to their owners. 

We will explain why the family tree tattoo is on the top list and consider the best designs.

Looking for Tattoo Ideas?

We have more ideas in the gallery with the best family tree tattoos. Take a look and get inspired!

Tree of the Life – History of Origins

The tree of life combines the past, present, and family’s future. Although there are many ways to show your kinship with the family, the tree’s shape has been the most popular since the Middle Ages. In those days appeared the famous Jesse tree, an image of the family tree of Jesus Christ.

Why a tree? The reason is straightforward visually the oldest generations were at the top. They were divided in the form of branches, which were concentrated on the trunk where the most modern generations were located.

Family Tree Multicultural Ornament

Family tree multicultural ornament

From ancient times everybody knew that the lives of all people on Earth – past and present generations – form a giant Family Tree. The tree of life that connects heaven and the underworld depicts various religions and philosophies. The Tree of Life connected the Earth, Heaven, and Underground in Mayan culture. The branches grew in four directions. In Egypt, the Tree of life was where life and death came together. Life was in the East, and in the West direction was death.

  • In Christianity, there is a Tree of Knowledge of good and evil planted in the Garden of Eden. The tree of life bears twelve fruits, one fruit every month, the tree leaves – for the healing of nations. In the Qur’an, there are three trees: the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Hell, and the Tree of Lottery.

  • In Chinese culture, there exists a Taoist history about the peach tree, which bears fruit only one in three thousand years. A person who ate this peach became deathless. 

  • The Scandinavians believed that the source of all living things on Earth was the world’s ash, which they called Yggdrasil. The tree led to nine worlds. Some of them were the World of Dead, the Land of Fife, and the region of Ezir. The branches of this Yggdrasil tree were located in the World of people.

  • The Celtic Tree of Life has different from the Yggdrasil design. The branches and roots make a circle with their wood. According to Celtic mythology, the Tree of Life had magic power. It helps people to survive in a severe world. Also, the druids believe that first-person came from the tree.

Family tree – the depth of the symbol

  • – The family tree is not only an intelligent and visually fascinating design, but it is also rich in symbolism. Traditionally, tree tattoo designs symbolize fertility, growth, wisdom, love, and strength. 

  • – The first meaning of a family tree tattoo is the love, passion, and care that one may feel towards their family members and will to wear them on their back, leg, arm, or some other part of the body.

  • – As a symbol of immortality, the tree’s young branches symbolize the procreation of the family. Even as a tree ages, it produces seeds that carry its essence, living on new seedlings. 

  • – The tree of life symbolizes man’s personality because all trees are exceptional. All roots and branches of the tree are unique as every family is an impressive structure with its own rules and traditions. Each member of the family is an individual.

  • – The Family Tree is a symbol of connection with family and forebears. The branches and roots link to a great system that shows the family’s growth through generations. Fertility is one of the essential meanings of a family tree. It means the prolongation of life by growing seeds and bearing fruit.

  • – The tree symbolizes strength and growth as it stands forward against all obstacles in the wild world. One family can go through a lot of hardships and difficulties. The person can ink the tattoo to show how strong they are for their family. So the family tree represents the power of your family, from the ancestors’ roots to the future generations. 

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas

It is a beautiful way to honor your nearest and dearest, both alive and deceased, with a family tree tattoo. What is so fantastic about this design is that no two are alike. You will create it using your ancestors’ names or numbers. It’s hard to decide which design will be best for you among the hundreds of variants. So we collected the most popular options for you.

Family Tree – The Depth of the Symbol

Family Tree With Names

One of the most popular designs is the Family tree with the names of your kids, and relatives. You can choose different fonts and sizes of names — your parents’ names located on the tree’s trunk and your kiddies’ names on the branches.

Family Tree With Numbers

Family tree with numbers

The tattoo with numbers is created for those who want a smaller tattoo or leave the names incognito for others. This design looks unusual and even mysterious. It could be created in tree shape and the form of a diagram.

DNA Elements in the Tree

DNA elements in the tree

DNA is a unique code passed from our relatives to our children. Genes can go as back as over 500 years. So it’s an excellent symbol for such kind of tattoo. DNA stripes could be an element of the trunk or branches. Or surround the tree.

Celtic Tree of Life

Celtic Tree of Life

If you respect traditions and like a more original design, the tattoo with a Celtic tree is the best option. The wide trunk of this  sacred tree is crowned by branches reaching out and downward. Its roots mirror the branches, giving balance and harmony feeling. The branches sometimes intertwine into traditional Celtic knot designs – a Celtic symbol of connection. The roots and branches are connected through the tree’s trunk, but they also meet at the ground.

Family Tree With Photos

Family Tree With Photos

If you are looking for something unexpected and shocking or want to have a large tattoo with many details, you can choose the design with photos of your family members. But make sure you find a good talented master for inking this tattoo because it’s vast painstaking work.

Amazing Family Tree Tattoo Designs You Must Ink On Skin

Pedigree With the National Tree

Pedigree With the National Tree

To have more symbolism in your Family tree, you could add a symbol of your country. For example, the sweet maple is a national tree in Canada and the royal oak is in Great Britain. The redwood is famous in the USA, and Africa is known for its’ baobab. It would be interesting to know that there are four national trees in China: bamboo, pine, plum, and cypress.

Colored Family Tree Tattoo

Colored Family Tree Tattoo

They said that children bring bright colors to our life, so you could make a tattoo by choosing your or your children’s favorite tints. They represent the excitement and cheerfulness in life.

Oak Family Tree Tattoo

Oak Family Tree Tattoo

Oak is often associated with honor, nobility, and wisdom because of its size and longevity. Oaks are known to easily surpass 300 years of age, making them a powerful life-affirming symbol. This type of family tree tattoo could be a good option for men.

Oak Family Tree Tattoo

Abstract Family Tree

Abstract Family Tree

Abstract art never goes out of fashion. They are perfect for people who want to express individuality. An abstract family tree would be an expressive element of your personality.

Small Family Tree Design

Small Family Tree Design

They said that a family tree tattoo is always a large picture. But it’s not a problem to choose the small one in some minimalistic design, where all details would be elegant and tiny. This type of tattoo can be suitable for women.

Small Family Tree Design

Family Tree With Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit

Family Tree With Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit

Leaves, flowers, and fruit are the symbols of fertility. So you could choose the design with this element to show the wellness and growth of your family.

Zodiac Family Tree Tattoo

Zodiac Family Tree Tattoo

If you are fond of astrology and horoscopes, you could impress everyone with the Family tree with western or Chinese zodiacs in design.

Tree With Heart

Tree With Heart

The heart can show your great love for your family members as a family tree element. You could combine it with different parts of the tree.

Tree with heart

Family Tree With Giant Roots

The roots are the symbol of your ancestors. So it’s an essential element in the family tree if you want to show the pride of your lineage.

Tree With Heart

Family Tree With Silhouettes

Names and numbers are popular elements on the family tree. But if you don’t want any of them, it’s an excellent idea to ink silhouettes of you and your dears.

Tree With Heart

Location Matters

The location plays a significant role in the idea of inking a tattoo. You should decide if you want a large or small tattoo and if you want people to see it. The most popular locations are in the upper or low back, on the chest. You can locate it on the left chest as the family is always in your heart. 

Amazing Family Tree Tattoo Designs You Must Ink On Skin

You could also make it on your arms. It is trendy to make sleeve tattoos with colors or without them. You can also get them on other parts body: legs, sides, or neck.

It’s up to you what part of your body you’ll choose. More essential is that the location must be comfortable for you.


A tattoo is a significant part of your style. That’s why details are on the count. It’ll be better to have a cool tattoo that you could be proud of with a deep sense. 

Sometimes it’s difficult to choose the right design and the size. If you’re looking for something individual and unique, the Family tree tattoo is the best one to ink on your skin. We’ve represented some of the popular ideas for this type of tattoo. Decide which one to choose.


🤓 How Can I Choose the Size of the Tattoo?

The size of a tattoo depends on the part of the body and the design. You could choose a small one if you like elegant details. Also, you can have the sleeve tattoo with many different elements and complicated meanings.

❓ What Are the Best Family Tree Tattoos for Men?

It would be better to choose an extensive family tree with many details. The colored body art is also a good idea for brave men. You could ask a tattoo master for help with a choice. You can find more ideas for tattoos for men, on Ink-match.

⚡️ What Does the Leafless Tree Tattoo Mean?

The tree is the symbol of growth and life. A leafless tree can symbolize loss, bareness, and death. It is designed for those who have experienced loss.

🤞 How Can I Find the Best Tattoo Artist?

Traditionally, you can ask friends or search on Google. But it can be a very long and tedious process. Another option is Ink-match, a service where you can find tattoo artists in any US state.


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