Capturing the Grace of Nature in Ink With Firstjing

Capturing the Grace of Nature in Ink With Firstjing
Dive into the heart of Firstjing's creativity in our interview. Find an endless source of inspiration in her unique designs.

Meet Firstjing, also known as Jing, a talented tattoo artist from Los Angeles, California. Her delicate fine-line designs and unique style inspired by Chinese Art have made her a popular and sought-after artist.

In our new interview, we will explore Jing’s journey into the world of tattoo art and reveal the secrets of her inspiration. She will also talk about her creative process and give valuable advice to aspiring tattoo artists.

Get ready to dive into the world of Jing’s artistic vision and get energized by her inspiration!

Dive Into Jing’s Creative Journey

Dive Into Jing’s Creative Journey

Jing is a talented artist based in Los Angeles, who was born in Mainland, China. Originally aspiring to be a designer, she studied art at China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Zurich University of the Arts in Switzerland.

Although her artistic journey did not begin with tattooing, fate played its part. “I never planned to become a tattoo artist, but in China, they say it’s fate, or in the Western world, that it’s God’s plan,” Jing admits.

One day, when she was helping a friend shoot a video, they walked into a tattoo shop. At that time, Jing was studying for exams and her life seemed kind of boring. But the art of tattooing sparked something in her and she thought, “Why not try tattooing as a fun hobby?” 

Instagram became her ally, connecting her with supportive clients who believed in her talent, and with their support, she decided to move to Los Angeles. “So, because of that, social media has been helpful. I quickly gained clients at the beginning, allowing me to earn money and support myself. Thus, tattooing became my full-time job.” Fate smiled upon her once again when she crossed paths with Eva Karabudak, who became Jing’s mentor and inspiration.

Today, she owns a tattoo studio in the Arts District of Los Angeles, filled with natural light and live plants. This cozy space feels like the landscapes from Jing’s designs, conveying the vibe of her creations.

Want to learn more about the life of popular tattoo artists? Explore our section with unique interviews featuring many stories and more to come.

Tattoos by Firstjing with traditional Chinese culture elements

Finding Inspiration in Nature and Chinese Culture

Jing draws inspiration for her designs from nature and traditional Chinese art. This deep connection is reflected in the environment of her studio, which is decorated with lush greenery, creating an atmosphere that feels like an extension of the natural world itself. “As humans, we love people, but we also need energy from the sun, the forest, and the ocean. We need time alone with nature,” she reflects.

Jing’s love for nature is also reflected in her designs. In contrast to the traditional bold palette often associated with tattoos, she uses delicate colors that evoke a sense of freshness and delicacy. “Nature gives me peace and energy, as I feel my body and soul anchoring like a tree, absorbing nourishment from the Earth. That’s why my studio is surrounded by plants.”

Firstjing’s workspace

Firstjing’s workspace

Her tattoo designs are infused with the aesthetics of Chinese art, which is not surprising since Jing creates amazing traditional Chinese paintings. Her designs featuring peaceful landscapes allow us to look at the world through Jing’s eyes and see its untouched beauty.

This has allowed Jing to create her unique style that resonates deeply with her clients. “Every time I design for a client, I consider what I would like if I were the client. Perhaps I am inclined to incorporate these elements. And then gradually more and more people were looking for the same thing, and then that became my style.”

Flower tattoos by Firstjing

Collaboration with Clients and Design Process

Collaborating with clients is at the heart of Jing’s tattooing process. “Listening to stories from my clients and connecting my energy and soul with theirs is the most beautiful and loving moment,” she shares. 

Jing always begins with a 30-minute consultation, allowing clients to share their desires and preferences. “Now my clients are so calm and relaxed,” says the artist. “If they have been following me for a little while, and they provide reference photos for the type of tattoos they like, then it’s pretty easy for me to design based on that because all the designs come from my preferences.”

Jing shares that in the past, disagreements when creating a design could result in a refund, but now she views tattoos as a collaborative effort, prioritizing customer satisfaction.

Charming hand tattoos by Firstjing

I used to avoid some designs because I thought they would compromise my standards and reputation as an artist. However, now I see tattoos as a means to help people express themselves. What I create is not solely mine, it belongs to the individual receiving the tattoo. Therefore, I’m committed to ensuring my ideas resonate with them. I simply allow the ideas to flow through me.

— Firstjing to InkMatch

During tattoo sessions, Jing maintains focus, leaving conversations for breaks to recharge and socialize with clients. “When I’m tattooing, I need to be in my zone. I often listen to podcasts, sometimes about Chinese history, and other times, it’s music, depending on my mood. I’m the type of person who can’t multitask. For example, when I’m talking, I find it difficult to drive, especially on the freeway.”

Her desire to make not just a tattoo, but to fill it with meaning and the client’s personal story makes each of Jing’s designs truly unique. Such dedication is appreciated by clients who feel the artist’s sincere care and commitment to creating a masterpiece. 

Firstjing’s fineline color tattoos

Jing’s Perspective on the Fineline Style

Jing brings a unique perspective to the fineline tattoo style. “People worry about how tattoos will age. Sometimes, I have the same question about my work because I’ve only been tattooing for five years,” she notes.

Fineline tattoos are often done with three or even one needle, so very little ink is left in the second layer of skin. This allows incredible thinness and elegance of the line but often leads to ink fading and blurring. Jing found an unexpected solution to this problem in Chinese painting.

I believe with the Chinese painting style, the tattoo will become even more beautiful over time since the lines vary from thin to thick due to the ink brush technique. The same appliefs to colored tattoos, as exposure to the sun causes the colors to lighten. It will age gracefully, resembling a vintage painting. 

— Firstjing to InkMatch

Traditional Chinese paintings by Firstjing

Jing aims to recreate the magic of Chinese painting on the skin and convey the effect of noble aging, where designs get better with age. “It’s so beautiful,” she says. “I want to focus more on the Chinese painting style because it’s such a unique approach.” 

Her vision recognizes that fineline tattoo aging is an essential part of life, but aging can be beautiful too. “As it ages, it will develop a grayish tone and flow with the body.”

Chinese painting style tattoos by Firstjing

How Social Media Is Changing the Tattoo Industry

Social media has changed the tattoo industry and looks like it will change it even more in the future. Thanks to it, more aspiring tattoo artists can find clients appreciative of their style even as they begin their journey. 

“In 2019 and 2020, Instagram made it easier to go viral. It’s like a snowball effect, if I tattoo one person, two or three others will see it and want a similar style,” recalls Jing from her experience. Her first tattoos caught attention online, which became the basis for building her client base. 

Jing recognizes that being famous on social media puts pressure, but prefers to see it as an opportunity for growth. “It’s easy to doubt yourself when you see so many great artists,” she says, “but I’ve learned to use social media as a platform for learning and communication.”

Thanks to Instagram, Jing has found many friends and loyal clients. Social media serves not only as a promotional tool — it is a space for artists to learn, share experiences, and support each other.

I use Instagram as a social platform to learn from each other. We’re all humans, so if we share our vulnerabilities, others will understand. Be yourself, and the people looking for you will find you.

— Firstjing to InkMatch

Firstjing’s geometric fineline tattoos

Advice From Jing to Aspiring Tattoo Artists

Beginning tattoo artists can learn a lot from Jing’s journey. Her main advice is not to fear failure, but to take it as feedback. “Life is about progress, not perfection,” Jing advises. 

When Jing first started, she often encountered clients who demanded discounts and low prices for complex designs. Therefore, Jing emphasizes how important it is to learn to appreciate your value and professionalism. “They want to get the most value for their money, which I also understand. But lately, I rarely meet clients like that”, says Jing. That’s why it’s so important to be able to deal with difficult customers and know how to politely say no. 

If they come, and they’re kind of rude, I will still be polite and professional. I’ll tell them, “Sorry, I don’t think I can do your tattoo. I don’t think I’m the right tattoo artist for you.” Even though the deposit is non-refundable, I don’t want to owe them anything, so I will just refund the deposit.

— Firstjing to InkMatch

Dreaming of becoming a tattoo artist? Read our guide on how to become a tattoo artist with no experience and learn 7 easy steps.

For those just starting, Jing recommends studying art, especially painting. “Technique is important, but style and design are crucial, too,” she states. By honing their artistic skills, aspiring artists can quickly become skilled at tattooing.

Jing views the journey of a tattoo artist as building a structure: technique forms the foundation, social media, and marketing fill in the middle, and design crowns the top. To succeed, artists must develop all aspects of their craft, building a solid foundation for their career.

Anime character designs by Firstjing

How to Deal with Burnout

Unfortunately, burnout is a common problem in creative professions, and tattoo artists are no exception. That’s why we asked Jing to share her experience. “Sometimes doing the same style for too long can make me feel like a tattoo machine,” she admits. 

Sometimes, when a tattoo goes viral, I find myself doing the same style repeatedly. I’m easily bored, but there’s another way to approach it. For instance, I can create flash designs, post them, and let clients choose. So, I can’t just blame myself, I need to take action to change it as well.

— Firstjing to InkMatch

To deal with this, Jing changes her style, offering clients different options to choose from. Breaks are also very important. “I travel with close friends to places like Hawaii or Miami,” she explains. “We forget about work and social media, and just enjoy each other’s company.” 

Jing emphasizes that it’s important to surround yourself with trusted friends who can support you. So when burnout strikes, remember to change your environment and lean on those who lift you up. Also, don’t underestimate the help of professional psychologists, if you are feeling down for a long time, it may be a reason to contact a specialist.

Beautiful fineline tattoos by Firstjing

Q&A With Jing: Where Ink Meets Inspiration

Q: How did you find that a fineline tattoo is your style?

Jing: My first tattoo was a fineline one. I wasn't sure about this style at first because many old-school tattoo artists tend to use thick lines using nine needles, whereas my first tattoo was done with three needles. As my skills improved, I experimented with single-needle tattoos as well. I think my art education contributes to this, and I naturally have a steady hand.

I love fineline tattoos and I enjoy creating these designs. It takes patience to keep your hand steady and make sure the lines aren't too deep or too fast, otherwise they can turn out blurry or uneven. Sometimes you have to hold your breath, especially when drawing long lines. Patience is the key to success, and I believe everyone can achieve this with practice.

Q: How did you find that a fineline tattoo is your style?
Q: What are your future goals as a tattoo artist?

Jing: My goals have changed a bit lately. I have a role model, and she has opened some really successful tattoo studios. However, I noticed that there was no peace in her life because big tattoo studios always have something going on.

I wondered, is this the life I really want? I used to want to become one of the best tattoo artists and then open a big tattoo studio. However, now I realize that my goal is to continue to hone my skills as a tattoo artist while living in peace, love, and support from my colleagues and friends. Even if it's a small endeavor, I'm fine with just living a simple life at this point.

Q: What are your future goals as a tattoo artist?


Fusing traditional Chinese art and fineline tattooing, Firstjing continues to push the boundaries and redefine the art of ink. In our interview, she kindly shared the story of her creative journey and the growth of her unique style.

Her passion for art and nature shines through as we discussed her inspirations and the importance of collaboration with clients in the design process. We also learned Jing’s insights on the impact of social media on the industry and her advice for aspiring tattoo artists.

We hope her story inspired you as much as it inspired us!

Find more talented tattoo artists like Firstjing in our catalog!


? Which Country Did the Tattoo Come From?

While the word “tattoo” is believed to have originated from the Polynesian term “tatau,” the oldest known tattoos were discovered on two Egyptian mummies. These tattoos, depicting a wild bull and S-shaped symbols, date back to between 3351 and 3017 BCE.

? Why Are Fineline Tattoos So Popular?

Fineline tattoos have gained popularity due to their elegant look and minimalistic aesthetic. This makes them appealing to those who prefer subtle designs that are easy to hide.

?‍⚖️ Can You Have a Career With Tattoos?

Having tattoos, even in visible places, generally won’t pose a problem in most professions. Although some fields may enforce specific dress codes or rules regarding visible tattoos, many employers have become more tolerant in recent years.

? What Are the Disadvantages of Being a Tattoo Artist?

The job of a tattoo artist involves many challenges, from standing for hours to burnout and lack of inspiration. This job requires extreme concentration, as some sessions can take up to 8 hours, which is physically demanding. In addition, contact with tattoo equipment can pose health risks if proper precautions are not taken.


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